

Pizzicato eco beb casa vacanze

VICO DEL GARGANO. A nice week inside the Gargano National Park to spend in the pretty medieval town of Vico del Gargano among typical tastes, local traditions, sea and culture… In a quiet and central residential area (to city centre is only 10 minutes walking), and only 5 km far from the sea, these comfortable miniflats can accomodate till 4 guests; that’s why it also is a very good solution for a family. The biggest one consists of two bedrooms, bathroom with shower, kitchen; refrigerator, washing machine, LCD, satellite TV, DVD player. The other smaller flats have the same comforts, and in the nice double room it’s possible to add two beds more. Our flats have been completely renewed, with a special attention to details and furnishings. All these things together assure you a comfortable and pleasant stay. Further services included: - breakfast - parking
VICO DEL GARGANO. A nice week inside the Gargano National Park to spend in the pretty medieval town of Vico del Gargano among typical tastes, local traditions, sea and culture� In a quiet and central residential area (to city centre is only 10 minutes walking), and only 5 km far from the sea, these comfortable miniflats can accomodate till 4 guests; that’s why it also is a very good solution for a family. The biggest one consists of two bedrooms, bathroom with shower, kitchen; refrigerator, washing machine, LCD, satellite TV, DVD player. The other smaller flats have the same comforts, and in the nice double room it’s possible to add two beds more. Our flats have been completely renewed, with a special attention to details and furnishings. All these things together assure you a comfortable and pleasant stay. Further services included: - breakfast - parking

Posizione: Mare Ionio | Località: vico del gargano
Indirizzo: bucci 11
Tel: 3384834567 | Fax: 00390884991245


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