

Camping Village San Michele

Camping Village San Michele struttura turistica situata in una stupenda località concepita per le vostre esigenze di pace e relax estivo. Disponiamo di Villini ed Appartamenti da 2,4,6 posti letto, soluzioni per le vostre vacanze indimenticabili a stretto contatto con la natura, con l'ambiente marino e con tutto il territorio circostante. Il Camping Village San Michele si trova sulla Litoranea che collega Vieste a Peschici a soli 150 metri dalla Spiaggia in un luogo che vi conquistrerà con i suoi colori e la natura lussurreggiante ed incontaminata.

PHONE 0039 0884 705367

Appartments and Detached House from 150 euro per week!!!

Camping Village San Michele, located in the middle of a large valley, sourranded by woods and wineyards, at 150 meters by the famous beach of Sfinale.
Camping Village San Michele has apartments and detached houses with 2, 4, 6 beds and places for tents and camper wherein you can take a place wherever you want, feeling a relaxing and youthful atmosphere. In our Village you can find many Biological products and, thanks to good food, sun and sea you will feel regenerate. Camping Village San Michele is run by Anna and Giovanni, they will welcome you with kindness and hospitality

PHONE 0039 0884 705367

Appartments and Detached House from 150 euro per week!!!

Camping Village San Michele, located in the middle of a large valley, sourranded by woods and wineyards, at 150 meters by the famous beach of Sfinale.
Camping Village San Michele has apartments and detached houses with 2, 4, 6 beds and places for tents and camper wherein you can take a place wherever you want, feeling a relaxing and youthful atmosphere. In our Village you can find many Biological products and, thanks to good food, sun and sea you will feel regenerate. Camping Village San Michele is run by Anna and Giovanni, they will welcome you with kindness and hospitality

Posizione: Mare Adriatico | Località: Vieste
Indirizzo: Località Sfinalicchio Sp52 KM 9
Tel: 0884705367 |

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